Downtown Auckland Rotary Club working alongside PWC, KPMG, Deloittes, Kotahi and ASB sent 19 young people to this years RYLA programme. Along with young people from their own companies, they also sponsored applicants from CureKids, World Vision, Ronald McDonald House, Leukemia & Blood Cancer, Auckland Girls Grammar School and the Graeme Dingle Foundation. Downtown member Pam Deal along with husband Alan were this years camp Mum and Dad. Caroline Ash was the recipient of the Graeme Campbell Scholarship, she receives $1000 to use towards further Leadership education.
RYLA (Rotary Young-Person Leadership Awards) is a week-long leadership development programme for 20-28 year olds hosted and sponsored by Rotary Clubs in district 9920 (Which comprises clubs in Central, Eastern and South Auckland as far as Tuakau and including the Pacific Islands of Samoa, Fiji, Rarotonga, Vanuatu and French Polynesia).
RYLA is an experiential live-in programme designed to help young people develop their team work and communication skills and fulfil their potential as leaders.
The programme consists of a combination of:
- Presentations and Workshops facilitated by community and business leaders particularly focusing on leadership development,
- opportunities for the exchange of ideas, opinions and experiences in discussion groups etc,
- open sessions, sport and keep fit exercises,
- the opportunity to experience and practice leadership skills in action.
- involvement in a community activity and with the host Rotary Club