As part of the Auckland Heritage Festival on Saturday 6th October, four Downtown Rotarians (Phil Caughey, Mike Campbell, Karyn Spencer and David Graham), assisted with the Hillary Leadership Centre's Open House.
The house is located on school grounds near the entrance to the Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate Senior School in Franklyne Road, Otara
One Trustee was a Senior teacher who spoke about his upbringing in Capetown as a young coloured South African during ‘Apartheid’ days. His story had particular parallels with the story told by our President Elect Byran Theunisen.
He also spoke of his experiences as a modern day teacher in a multicultural NZ High School smack bang in the middle of South Auckland where 95% of the students are polite, well-behaved young people wanting to learn and succeed.
Mike Campbell was particularly interested to hear how he dealt with a 15 year old student who was caught on Google during his computer studies lessons searching ‘How to rob a bank and get away with it’. The student failed that lesson and was expelled.
The Trustees are looking for guidance and ideas as to how they can further utilise the valuable resource they have by expanding leadership training within their community and suggestions from Downtown Rotarians in this regard would be appreciated. If you would like more information on this, please contact Phil Caughey or Mike Campbell.