On Tuesday morning, Heather Robinson, Co-Director for AGGS & Rotary Youth Programs, spoke about the upcoming mentoring program for AGGS (Auckland Girls Grammar). The details are outlined as follows:
Are you free for an hour or so on an irregular basis for the next few months to help?
Its that time of year again – year 13 Business Studies students have begun Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) projects – and AGGS has invited Rotarians to become mentors to help student teams with their newly formed businesses.
It’s an exciting and rewarding experience for both students and mentors.
Each team runs its own business to design, build, market and sell their product. In previous years input from our Rotary mentors has helped AGGS teams reach the YES regional finals and win awards!
Each team is currently deciding on their product (see below). They have received input from the YES organisers and now have decisions to make. This is where the guidance of a mentor is essential to help them think through how they will achieve successful outcomes and meet the various deadlines!
You would need to be able to visit Auckland Girls’ Grammar School in Howe Street during school hours. Meetings can be during the girls’ business studies lessons or lunchtimes. A few meetings each term is ideal, particularly in the early stages, to encourage progress. Email communication is also possible. There is the ability to skype but we haven’t tested this.
Group 1 - 5 students
Product idea: board game with a Pasifka emphasis to teach about the different Pasifika cultures/language.
Group 2 - 4 students
Product idea: initially beauty products like bath bombs and lip balm, now thinking of socks and beanies with some sort of logo.
Group 3 - 4 students
Product idea: - initially rugby balls with logo and all profits going back to the community to give less privileged students the chance to pay for their sports clubs fees/sports equip. Decided this would be difficult to implement. Now looking at Hoodies with special design on.
Group 4 - 4 students
Product: initially diversity dolls e.g. brown dolls with Pasifika clothing, now looking at making ice-cream with Pasifika flavours.
If you are interested, contact Heather Robinson on 022106 5606 or heather@robin-sons.com .